Christmastime film + some random thoughts.

I feel like every blog post of mine is a collection of random thoughts to an extent! I love to blog, love to share my work, LOVE hearing from friends…but I feel like I’m always squeezing it in between baking a half-million cookies and raising two tiny humans. (Okay, so the cookies thing was today at least.) Things weren’t always this way but I love my life + what I do, and wouldn’t have it any other way!

In the coming weeks, I will be off enjoying holidays/squeezing my family/believing in Santa again, then working overtime to welcome my ‘third child’ in 2012, aka launching the completely new, completely me Carly McCray Photography!!! I am BEYOND excited to show off my new website/blog/everything, which have been in the works for over a year now to really be more me. The most reassuring thing for me that has come from this majorly intensive, time-consuming-labor-of-love process is the realization that I am not even doing this for business reasons. This has come out of just wanting to be myself, blog when I want, shoot + share when I feel like it, and just overall doing it for me! I want my little corner of the Internet to feel like mine, and if you don’t feel like visiting it, that’s totally cool. I’ll hang out by myself. :) It feels so good to get to this point in my career. It’s been so much hard work to get here and sometimes I have to take a step back and remember that I’m the boss and I’m doing what I love. So if don’t love something, I can change it or get rid of it!

2012 marks my FIFTH year in business…I could go on about all of the incredible people that have asked me to photograph them and share parts of their lives with them, but seriously, Google would probably penalize me for too much text or something, and they’d probably take away my English degree considering how top-of-my-head I write on here. (I think the sugar cookies are starting to do the talking.) I’ve been honored to have my work published in some pretty cool places like here and here among others, and I’m continuing to live my dream personally AND professionally, since they’re wrapped up together. So for now, Merry Christmas + happy, healthy holidays, everyone! 2011 has been a good friend, but I think 2012 and each year after will continue to be even greater. Big XOXOXOs from me. :)

*Here are some scans I just got back, testing out my Christmas present around my house! Seriously, crap expired Kodak from Walgreen’s, and it’s STILL fun. 

Est. 2007

Carly is a light + airy Wisconsin wedding photographer specializing in intimate weddings throughout Lake Geneva, Door County + beyond...

PH: 715.630.5449