Each season, I tell myself to write less and let the images speak for themselves, but spending such exclusive days with couples and peeking into their most personal moments always makes me want to say a little something about them. And Rebecca and Marc, well they’re simply the sweetest. They celebrated their love with what I’m dubbing...
by Carly McCray PhotographyPosted in weddings
Tags: Baraboo circus world wedding, baraboo distillery wedding, baraboo elopement photographer, carly mccray, carly mccray milwaukee wedding photographer, carly mccray photography, circus world wedding, circus world wedding photographer, distillery elopement photography, elopement wedding photographer, Fine Art Wisconsin wedding photographer, Intimate wisconsin wedding photography, madison elopement photographer, Madison Wedding Photographer, madison wedding sparkler exit, milwaukee elopement photographer, milwaukee wedding photographer, Romantic wisconsin elopement wedding, sparkler elopement, sparkler exit wi wedding photography, unique madison elopement wedding photography, unique madison wedding, wedding sparkler exit, wisconsin elopement photographer, wisconsin sparkler elopement wedding photos, wisconsin sparkler exit, wisconsin sparkler exit elopement